Choose from our catalog the online courses of interest to your company and ask us to customize them according to your needs and business objectives.

After our analysis and collection of information on the training objectives, we will evaluate together the contents to be customized and we will create ad hoc e-learning courses, making them unique for your employees to attend.

The content that we will customize may include video recordings, video animations, interactive videos, corporate documents, interactive Power-Points, etc … any corporate content can be used to make it an integral part of the e-learning course.

Do you need some lessons in particular to be treated and deepened within the online course?

In this case, if you do not have the material to provide us, we will do the research of the contents and then we will adapt the new contents to the online course, customizing it according to the needs and business objectives.

In this way, your employees will be able to attend personalized courses of their own company.

If your company does not have an E-Learning Platform, and you intend to keep the economic expenditure lower, you can publish your company online courses, within Companies Academy, the EBS e-learning platform.

Request a free consultation with our e-learning experts now.
